
Although we don’t see too many railroads in Hawai’i, we still need to know what to do if we come across one.

Railroad Crossing

  • Types:

Active Crossingwhich has traffic control devices such as flashing lights, ringing bells and gates.

Passive Crossingis not equipped with traffic control devices. The decision to stop or proceed is in the driver’s hands.


  • When approaching, decelerate, brake smoothly and shift gears as necessary.
  • Make sure you’re in the right lane.
  • Obey traffic control devices.
  • Look and listen for the presence of trains.
  • Check traffic in all directions.


  • When stopping, must stop within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail.
  • Turn off AC and radio and roll down window.
  • Trains always have the right away.
  • Look and listen for the presence of trains.
  • Check traffic in all directions.


  • Before you cross be sure you have enough room and time to get all the way across the tracks and tractor and trailer has enough height so they don’t get hung up and stuck on the tracks.
  • It takes 14 seconds to cross a single track and 15 seconds to cross a double track.
  • While crossing do not stop, change gears, pass another vehicle or change lanes while any part of the vehicle is in the crossing.
  • Look and listen for the presence of trains.
  • Check traffic in all directions.


When completing I’ll…

  • Look and listen for the presence of trains.
  • Check traffic in all directions.
  • Make sure I’m in the correct lane.
  • Accelerate smoothly.

If for any reason you do get stuck…

  • Get out of the vehicle and away from the tracks.
  • Check signposts or signal housing at the crossing for emergency notification information.
  • Call 911 or other emergency number.
  • Give the location of the crossing using all identifiable landmarks, especially the DOT number, if posted.
  • Get far away.